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In recognition of its great effort to produce war materials, the Trenton-Ternstedt plant was awarded the "E for Excellence Award" for superior war production on January 2, 1945. Formerly used to manufacture and assemble General Motor's automobiles, the plant was converted in 1942 to assemble TBM Avengers and built them from 1942 until the end of hostilities in 1945. It is one of 7,546 Avengers built at General Motors' Eastern Aircraft Trenton-Ternstedt plant. This TBM-3E illustrates the massive military manufacturing effort that New Jersey made during World War II. This Avenger remained with VT-18 for the rest of its World War II military career, but never saw action. Navy on April 6, 1945, and was delivered in May 1945 to VT-26 (a torpedo squadron) base in San Diego, California. Not found on this Avenger, but built as part of the standard body was a gunner's turret, and bomb bay doors, both of which have been removed previously. It is not known if this TBM-3E Avenger was equipped with radar, since there is no evidence on the body that it was. The engine is a Wright Cyclone engine, R-2600. The body and wings are made of aluminum, and the parts of the airplane that control its movement-rudder, ailerons, horizontal stabilizer and vertical stabilizer-consist of an aluminum frame covered with fabric. With its wings fully extended in flying position, the airplane measures 54 feet 2 inches wide. The single-engine bomber is over 40 feet long and stands 16 feet, 5 inches high. It was built in 1945 in Eastern Aircraft's Trenton-Ternstedt plant outside of Trenton, New Jersey. The TBM-3E was the last Avenger model put into production during the war.

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Of the 9,839 that were manufactured by Grumman Aircraft and General Motors, it is estimated that only 75 to 100 remain. This Avenger is a rare survivor of a type of warplane that was produced in great numbers in World War II, but of which few have survived. Bush, later 41st President of the United States, who joined the Navy in 1942 and became the youngest naval aviator ever, at the age of 20, in June 1943. The most famous American to fly an Avenger was George H.W. The Avenger participated in every major air-sea battle of World War II between June 1942 and August 1945, and played a significant role in search-and-destroy missions hunting German submarines, proving its worth in both night and daytime assignments. Marines and the Royal Navies of the Allies in every theater of the conflict, successfully carrying out reconnaissance, bombing raids and anti-submarine patrols and contributing significantly to the eventual Allied victory.

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Throughout World War II, Avengers flew with the U.S.

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Naval Air Station Wildwood, New Jersey, is a rare extant example of the U.S. The TBM-3E Avenger, now located at Hangar No. Photo courtesy of Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum

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